Questions to ask about APL
When applying for the Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL), it is important to know the right questions to ask!
When contacting an institution to enquire about their APL policy and procedure, you may want to find out the answers to the following questions:
- Do you award credit for prior learning from experience (i.e. APEL)?
- Do you give credit/exemptions for prior awards and qualifications (i.e. APCL)?
- How are APEL and APCL assessed?
- What is the maximum credit I can claim?
- How do I proceed with an APL application?
- Is any support available with completing an APL assessment?
- How recent must my experience or qualifications have to be?
- Is there a fee for the APL process?
- When should I apply for APL? Is there a cut-off date for APL applications at your institution?