Thank you for providing your name, email address, postcode and local authority area. Lifepilot will keep this information safe in the Lifepilot admin site.
You can access and change your details at any time by logging in to your account.
You can close your account and have your record deleted at any time by contacting
When you have completed the registration process in ‘My Career Tools’ you can:
- Save results from a ‘Resource Finder’ quiz
- Complete and save a ‘Skills Map’ which helps you identify and record your skills for CVs and personal statements
- Save your choices of jobs, courses and providers
- Save results from a ‘Route Planner’ showing qualifications that might be of interest
- Write and save action points on a ‘To Do List’
If you have ticked to confirm you are happy for ‘Lifepilot to email me for feedback’ then you might, on occasions, but no more than once a year, be asked to complete a feedback survey or contribute to our Matrix award process where an assessor checks with users that we are providing impartial careers information.
Your first name, surname, email address, postcode and local authority area can be seen by the Lifepilot Central Team. Your information is not used for any purpose other than to make contact with you if you have agreed we can ask for your feedback.
Please tick to say you agree with the terms and consent.