Qualifications that we accept
Mature students
Are you thinking of joining us as a mature student (by which we mean you're returning to education after a break from studying)?
You don't have to have traditional qualifications such as A-levels to study with us. We'll take your working life, your general educational background and your experiences into account by assessing what's known as 'prior learning' (APL) and 'prior experiential learning' (APEL) as a foundation for study in higher education.
Many mature applicants complete an Access to Higher Education Diploma.
You can talk to us before you apply – there will be advisers at any of our Open Days or Open Evenings.
Alternatively you can contact our Access and Participation Team at:
Need specific advice about your qualifications or have a query about your application? Please email your enquiry directly to our Admissions Service: admissions@bathspa.ac.uk.