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Helicopter engineers service and repair helicopters.
You could work: evenings / weekends / bank holidays; on shifts
There will be
2.3% fewer Helicopter engineer jobs in 2029.
In your local area
In this role you couldcarry out scheduled inspection and maintenance checks; use software programs to diagnose faults; find and fix faults; report defects to the maintenance manager; make sure aircraft meet flight safety regulations; work on aircraft and instrument modifications; refit aircraft; respond to repair call outs; record completed work
You could work at an airport or on an aircraft.
Your working environment may be physically demanding and you'll travel often.
You can get into this job through:
You'll need an engineering qualification and maintenance experience to apply for a licence to become a helicopter engineer.
You'll usually need a foundation degree, higher national diploma or degree in aerospace engineering, avionics, or a related subject like:
You'll usually need:
You could do a college course, which would teach you some of the skills and knowledge you need in this job. Relevant courses include the Level 2 and Level 3 Diploma in Aerospace and Aviation Engineering.
You'll usually need:
You can get into this job through an aircraft maintenance certifying engineering higher apprenticeship.
You'll usually need:
The way into this job is usually through an aircraft engineering company, some of which offer graduate training schemes.
Flight engineering experience gained in the armed forces may count towards your licence application.
You'll need to:
You can find out more about becoming a helicopter engineer from The British Helicopter Association.
With experience you could become a maintenance engineering manager or senior design engineer, working on modifications and enhancements to aircraft.