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Accommodation wardens manage the day-to-day running of services like sheltered housing, hostels and student flats.
You could work: evenings / weekends; at short notice
There will be
3.8% more Accommodation warden jobs in 2029.
In your local area
As an accommodation warden you would:
You could work in the community, at an adult care home, at a children's care home or on an apartment block.
You can get into this job through:
You could take a college course before applying for a job to gain some of the skills needed in this role. Courses include:
You could apply to do an apprenticeship, such as:
You'll usually need:
You could work as a warden's assistant and gain qualifications through on-the-job training.
You may be able to start as a volunteer assistant warden, for example, with the YMCA or Youth Hostel Association.
You could pick up valuable skills and knowledge through volunteering, which might help in interviews for a paid position.
To apply directly, you'll usually need some GCSEs or equivalent, including English and maths.
You'll also find it helpful to have paid or unpaid experience of working with vulnerable groups.
You'll need to:
Experience in housing, care or supported accommodation work would be useful.
You can find out more about working as an accommodation warden and supported housing from:Chartered Institute of Housing; Think Care Careers
With experience, you could become an accommodation manager with responsibility for several centres and a team of wardens. You could also work in housing or residential block facilities management.
With further training, you could move into related areas like social work, welfare rights or counselling.
You can find out more about working as a warden from the Chartered Institute of Housing.