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Gas mains layers install and maintain pipelines that supply homes and businesses with gas.
You could work: evenings / weekends; on shifts
As a gas mains layer, you'll:
You may need to wear protective clothing.
Your working environment may be physically demanding and outdoors in all weathers.
You can get into this job through:
You could get into this job through a Gas Industry Network Operative Level 2 Intermediate Apprenticeship.
This can take around 2 years to complete. You'll do on-the-job training and spend time with a college or training provider.
You'll usually need:
You can apply directly to gas distribution companies for trainee positions. Most employers will expect you to have some GCSEs at grades 9 to 4 (A* to C), including English, maths and science or engineering.
Experience and qualifications in construction, roadworks, building services engineering or plumbing can be helpful.
You can also move into mains laying after working on other utility networks, like electricity and water.
Further information
You can find out more about careers in the gas industry from [Energy & Utilities Jobs | https://www.energyutilitiesjobs.co.uk/gas/ ].
With experience, you could become a team leader or site supervisor.
You could also become a gas network craftsperson, installing and monitoring safety instruments and equipment.
With further training you could move into:gas mains engineering; roadworks and construction; utility surveying