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Foundry moulders make moulds to shape molten metal into castings used to make parts for industry.
You could work: between 8am and 6pm; on shifts
There will be
2.3% fewer Foundry mould maker jobs in 2029.
In your local area
In your day-to-day duties you could:
You may need to wear protective clothing.
You could work in a foundry workshop.
Your working environment may be hot and physically demanding.
You can get into this job through:
You can do an engineering course at college, which may help when you start looking for work. Courses include:
You may need:
You can complete an engineering operative intermediate apprenticeship or a metal casting and foundry technician advanced apprenticeship.
You'll usually need:
You could start as a foundry process worker and do training on the job to become a mould maker.
You can join the Institute of Cast Metals Engineers for professional development training and to make contacts in the industry.
You could move into supervisory management, quality control or engineering design as you get more experience.