
Education welfare officer

Education welfare officers make sure that children attend school and get the support they need.

Annual Salary

£24,000 to £32,000

Working hours

36 to 38 a week

You could work: evenings; attending events or appointments

Future employment

There will be 3.9% more Education welfare officer jobs in 2029.
In your local area

What's it all about?

Day-to-day tasks

As an education welfare officer, you'll:

  • work closely with school staff to identify and fix attendance problems
  • meet parents and pupils at school or home to explain how you can help them
  • attend magistrates' court when required
  • arrange education for pupils who are excluded
  • handle sensitive personal information correctly and update records

Working environment

You could work at a school or from home.

Your working environment may be emotionally demanding and you'll travel often.

You can get into this job through:

  • a university course
  • a college course
  • an apprenticeship
  • working towards this role
  • applying directly

You could do a degree in:

  • social work
  • youthwork
  • psychology
  • education

Entry requirements

You'll usually need:

  • 2 to 3 A levels, or equivalent, for a degree
For more information
  • equivalent entry requirements|
  • student finance for fees and living costs|
  • university courses and entry requirements|

You could take a college course before applying for a trainee position. Courses include:

  • Level 3 Diploma in Youth Work Practice
  • Level 4 Diploma in Counselling Skills and Theory


You could start by doing an Early Intervention Practitioner Level 4 or Early Years Lead Practitioner Level 5 Higher Apprenticeship.

You'll normally have to be working with children or young people to apply for these.

They take between 18 and 24 months to complete.

Entry requirements

You'll usually need:

  • 4 or 5 GCSEs at grades 9 to 4 (A* to C) and A levels, or equivalent, for a higher or degree apprenticeship
For more information
  • equivalent entry requirements|
  • guide to apprenticeships|

You may be able to work as an assistant welfare officer with a local authority and do training on the job to qualify. For this you'll usually need:

  • experience working with children or young people
  • GCSEs at grades 9 to 4 (A* to C) in English and maths
  • 1 or 2 A levels, or equivalent

Volunteering and work experience

You can get experience of working with children, families and young people, which may help when you apply for jobs. Examples include volunteering in schools, mentoring and youth work.

You can look for opportunities through organisations like:

Direct application

You can apply directly to become an education welfare officer if you've got relevant experience and qualifications.

Employers usually look for people who have a background in:

  • social work
  • teaching
  • counselling
  • youth and community work

Requirements and restrictions

You'll need to:

More information

Further information

You'll find more details about working in education welfare through the education welfare service of your local council.

With experience and training you could become a team leader, senior education welfare officer or a head of service.

You could also train for a career in social services, the probation service, youth work or pastoral care.

Skills required and how your skills match up

What skills are required?

  • counselling skills including active listening and a non-judgemental approach
  • knowledge of psychology
  • knowledge of teaching and the ability to design courses
  • sensitivity and understanding
  • customer service skills
  • patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations
  • the ability to work well with others
  • the ability to understand people’s reactions
  • to be able to use a computer and the main software packages competently
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