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Signalling technicians identify problems and repair, test and maintain the equipment that moves trains safely.
You could work: evenings / weekends / bank holidays; on shifts
There will be
2.3% fewer Signalling technician jobs in 2029.
In your local area
As a signalling technician, you could:
You may need to wear protective clothing.
You could work on rail tracks, in a control room or in a workshop.
Your working environment may be noisy, outdoors some of the time and you'll travel often.
You can get into this job through and apprenticeship or by applying directly.
You could do a:
Apprenticeships are offered by rail and tram operating companies, Transport for London and Network Rail.
You'll usually need:
You might be able to apply directly to rail engineering companies if you've got experience and qualifications in electrical or electronic engineering from another industry, or from the armed forces.
You'll need to:
You can join the Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE) for professional development training.
You can find out more about careers in the rail industry from Network Rail and Routes into Rail.
With experience, you could move from junior to senior technician jobs and become a team leader.
With more qualifications and experience you could become a signalling designer or incident investigator.