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Dental technicians make and repair dental appliances used to improve patients' appearance, speech or ability to eat.
You could work: between 8am and 6pm;
As a dental technician, you could:
You might specialise in orthodontic, crown and bridge work or prosthetics. Depending on your speciality you could:
You may need to wear protective clothing.
You could work in a laboratory.
You can get into this job through:
You could do a foundation degree or degree in dental technology approved by the General Dental Council.
It's likely you'll need a degree to do advanced dental technology work.
You'll usually need:
You could do a Level 3 Extended Diploma in Dental Technology approved by the General Dental Council.
You'll usually need:
You could do the Dental Technician Level 5 Higher Apprenticeship.
If you want to make dental appliances and have direct contact with patients, you could do the Clinical Dental Technician Level 5 Higher Apprenticeship.
You'll usually need:
You could start as a trainee dental technician with a practice and study part time.
This could take up to 5 years depending on which qualification you do.
You can join the Dental Technologists Association (DTA) for professional development and training opportunities.
You can find out more about how to become a dental technician from Health Careers.
With experience you could:train to become a clinical dental technician if you want more direct contact with patients; do further training to become a healthcare scientist through the NHS Scientist Training Programme (STP) and specialise in reconstructive sciences; set up your own laboratory or work abroad; become a senior or chief dental technician; move into quality control, sales, management, teaching or research