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Couriers collect packages, documents and messages, and deliver them to customers.
You could work: evenings / weekends / bank holidays; away from home
Your day-to-day duties may include:
You could work from a vehicle.
Your working environment may be physically demanding and you may spend nights away from home.
You can get into this job through:
You could get into this job through an intermediate apprenticeship for express delivery operatives.
You'll usually need:
You can apply directly for jobs. You'll need driving experience, English and maths skills, and a good knowledge of your local area. Experience in storage or warehousing can be useful.
You'll need to:
A basic knowledge of vehicle maintenance could help you when looking for work.
You could join organisations like the Institute of Couriers for professional recognition, training opportunities and to make industry contacts.
There is not enough data for this job to find employment statistics
With experience, you could become a depot controller or start your own courier business.
You could also train to drive large goods vehicles (LGVs).