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Leather craftworkers make clothes, shoes and accessories from leather, using traditional methods.
You could work: 9am to 5pm;
As a leather craftworker, you would:
You might also repair items for clients, and market your business if self employed.
You may need to wear protective clothing.
You could work in a workshop, in a factory or from home.
You can get into this job through:
You could do a craft design course to learn some of the skills you'll need in this career. Examples include:
Check with providers to make sure they offer training in leather as part of their courses. Some providers may also do short courses in leathercrafts.
You could specialise by doing a course in saddlery, if you want to work with suppliers to the horse riding industry.
You can do an apprenticeship to get into this job, such as:
These can take around 2 years to complete.
You'll usually need:
You can apply directly to be taken on as a trainee leather craftworker. Employers may be more interested in your practical ability than formal qualifications, although it'll help if you have GCSEs in subjects like English, art and design, maths, and design and technology.
If you want to work in saddlery and harness making, you can do specialist training through The Society of Master Saddlers.
You can find out more about working in leathercrafts from UKFT Futures and The Leathersellers' Company.
You can get more information on working in crafts and creative careers from Discover Creative Careers.
With experience, you could:become a workshop supervisor; move into training future craftworkers; specialise in an area like pattern design, furniture restoration or quality control; set up your own business, selling items at craft fairs, trade events and online